Upcoming Events

For our events you’ll see a technicality and physicality level rating. This is the level of technical ability and fitness you are expected to have to attend a specific event. See below for more information on what each rating means. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • You’ve not ridden off-road much or at all, but feel happy to ride on wide, smooth trails like estate roads or forest tracks.

    Example: Green trail centres, Forest roads

  • You have some mountain biking experience and are happy on blue or red trail centres. This includes some singletrack with small obstacles of roots and rocks and avoidable technical features.

    Example: Berm Baby Berm or Spooky Wood at Glentress

  • You are a regular red and black trail centre rider. You enjoy trying natural trails but have limited experience riding in remote terrain. You are comfortable on unavoidable roots, rocks and small drops.

    Example: Innerleithen Red Trail; Coed-y-Brenin

  • You have lots of mountain bike experience. You regularly ride black trails and technical natural trails with unavoidable features. You have experience in remote mountain terrain and enjoy tackling drops, jumps and steep technical terrain.

    Example: Natural trails at “Golfie”; Helvellyn

  • You’ve got some serious bike skills. You are able to handle anything thrown at you, including technical climbs and the steepest descents. You have lots of experience in big mountain terrain.

    Example: The steepest gnarliest terrain

  • You’re a recreational cyclist who rides occasional throughout the year, you don’t do other forms of regular exercise.

  • You typically ride your bike once or twice a month and are exercising at least once a week.

  • You commonly exercise and mountain bike regularly. e.g. once per week. You can / have ridden for consecutive days.

  • You’re mountain biking and exercising multiple times per week. You can handle 6 hours+ on the bike with over 1000m elevation gain.

  • You’re slightly sadistic. When your mates are going home, you squeeze out one more lap. You can be found clocking up consecutive big 1500m / 6 hour+ plus days on the bike.